Outstanding News 2011-02-03 Course on fertilization organized by the MARM

Imagen The MARM plans to hold two courses on fertilization this year at the National Center for Agrarian Training in San Fernando de Henares (Madrid). These courses, each lasting three days, are aimed at trainers and technicians from different public administrations, as well as Professional Agricultural Organizations, Cooperatives and Associations in rural areas, Rural Development Groups and university postgraduates who work in advising farms.
The first day will be held over the next 22, 23 and 24 February.

In the following link of the MARM website you can download the programa y las inscripciones, que se deben enviar a los correos electrónicos sgmpagri@mapa.es ó brodrigu@mapa.es: http://www.mapa.es/es/desarrollo/pags/formacion/intro.htm